In game name: Reon
What is your Age: 21
Level: 80
Character Class: Warlock
How many accounts? 1
What you feel you can offer to the guild? Love, passion and drugs
Can you take jokes? Take or tell? Im very spontaneous.
Professions if any? Enchant/Tailor (both full)
How long have you been playing wow? 9 months
Played on any other servers? WowLegion (hacked), WoWCore (too laggy), WowMagic (hacked -_-)
Do you have vent? No, but i can download it if necessary
If yes, Name in vent? It would be Reon
Friends with anyone in the guild? York, Orclic and Mgaevis.
What Interested you in Joining us? Because I like raiding, in other servers I raided at last 3 or 4 times a week, my actual Guild was active, but now its dying alive, also im an arena-maniac, but i dont have a partner also...its very chaotic and...unpleasant my situation, i want to play good, in order to do that, i must have a good guild, like this one.
Past guild(s): Orden de la Furia, right now im at Templars of the Horde.
Reason for leaving Past guild: Order de la Furia was disolved, the GL left WoW (yes, the game ._. ) I'll leave Templars because the inactivity.
Country you are from: Monterrey, México.
Banned for any previous reasons? I haven't been banned in any MMORPG